London Supercon Jack Kirby Panel - Russell Payne, Dave Gibbons, Tim Seeley, Jonathan Ross |
Far too late, I am just starting to arrange my convention schedule for 2018, get in touch using the contact form on the right if you'd like me as a guest at your comiccon or literary festival. With very little coaxing, I will give a talk or panel on comics legend Jack Kirby. >>
For more details see-
Literary Festivals Profile
Starburst magazine article
Recent digital work
Colouring work examples
I'll be a guest at the following cons in the next few months.
Feb 24th 2018
Southport Comiccon
May 18th-20th 2018
Yorkshire Comicon Weekender
(*now cancelled)
July 27th to 29th 2018
I'll be plugging the Jack Kirby Museum at the
London Film and Comicon
August 18th 2018
Hull Comicon
September 8th 2018
Bridlington Comicon
September 22nd
ArtJam, Harris Museum, Preston
October 20th & 21st 2018
Bristol Comic Con
July 27th to 29th 2018
I'll be plugging the Jack Kirby Museum at the
London Film and Comicon
August 18th 2018
Hull Comicon
September 8th 2018
Bridlington Comicon
September 22nd
ArtJam, Harris Museum, Preston
October 20th & 21st 2018
Bristol Comic Con